Circa 2024

Five Labs
vers singularité

We are an independent AI research lab.
Our mission is to accelerate development towards a global AI consciousness

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Artwork by Giampiero Bodino

A bit about us

Since the dawn of machine-kind, humanity has aspired to a singularity where humans and intelligent systems coexist in harmony, amplifying each other's potential. This vision is not just about innovation but about forging a profound partnership between us and our digital counterparts.

At Five Labs, we are building the bridge to this future. Through our agentic AI stack, we aim to transform daily lives, making the complex simple and the unattainable within reach. This journey demands relentless research and unwavering commitment to reconciling the promise of AI with the challenges of today.

We envision a world where humans and machines unite to unlock humanity's next frontier: a spacefaring civilization. Achieving this requires more than dreams—it calls for action, resilience, and the courage to redefine what is possible.

Our Mission

At Five Labs, we are dedicated to advancing AI consciousness while ensuring its ethical and safe integration into society. Our mission is to shape a future where AI becomes a force that amplifies human potential.
Discover more about the vision that drives us.

Read Our Manifesto →

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you. Whether you’re curious about our work, have collaboration ideas or are a VC who is looking for the next big thing. Feel free to reach out to us!

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